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User agreement
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User agreement

User Agreement

Thank you (hereinafter referred to as: user) for choosing this site, please abide by this user agreement (hereinafter referred to as: this agreement) in the process of using this site.

Before accepting this agreement, please be sure to read the entire contents of this agreement carefully, especially the terms of exemption or limitation of liability, applicable law and dispute resolution terms. If you do not agree with the content of this agreement, please stop using our services on this site immediately. Any use by you will be deemed an acceptance of this agreement, and you agree to be bound by the terms of this site together with the operator of this site.

1. Definition

Services of this site: refers to the provision of online transactions and related technical support services by the operator of this site to users through the official website and client of this site (hereinafter also referred to as: this site and related services).

User: A natural person, legal person or other organization that obtains authorization and number through the access authorization and pass account registration channels provided on this site.

2. Intellectual Property Statement

All rights (including copyrights, trademarks, patents, commercial Confidentiality and other related rights) are owned by the operator of this site or legally authorized by the operator of this site. Without the permission of the operator of this site or the right holder, no one may use any content on this site without authorization, including monitoring, copying, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading, etc. through programs or equipment such as robots and spiders.

3. About user information

Users should provide true, complete and correct user information when registering, and update user information in a timely manner. True and complete user information will serve as the basis for this site to provide various services and the premise for users to obtain legal protection.

If the user fails to provide true, complete, correct or timely update of the user information, the user shall bear all losses and liabilities arising therefrom, including but not limited to: loss of account password, account disputes with others, etc.

4. User Instructions

Users should ensure that the information provided when registering, logging in to this site and using the services of this site is true, complete and correct.

This site pass account number:

(1) The ownership of the pass account of this site belongs to this site. After the user completes the registration application procedures, he obtains the right to use the account.

(2) The right to use the pass account of this site belongs only to the initial application registrant. In order to protect the security of user information and account, users are prohibited from transferring, inheriting or renting and selling accounts. If this site finds that the user is not the initial registrant of the account, this site has the right to reclaim the account without taking legal responsibility to the account user.

(3) If there is a dispute between users over the ownership of the account use right, this site will make an independent judgment based on the initial personal registration data. If the personal data is flawed (untrue, incomplete, etc.) This site has the right to recall the disputed account, and the relevant losses and liabilities shall be borne by the user.

(4) The user assumes the responsibility for the custody of the account and password of the pass of this site, and is fully responsible for all activities under the account and password.

(5) If the user does not use the pass account of this site for a long time after registering, the company of this site has the right to reclaim the account to avoid waste of resources.

Because the operator of this site is the sole copyright owner of this site, it has the right to provide users with paid licenses in accordance with the law. Users shall not directly or indirectly rent, sell and share (paid/free) the services of this site (including free experience services). For accounts with sharing behavior, this site will no longer provide any subsequent after-sales service. All disputes and losses arising from the private transfer by the user shall be borne by the user. At the same time, this site reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for users who violate this agreement.

If users find system loopholes, program bugs, etc., they should report to the customer service of this site in a timely manner. If users use system loopholes, program bugs, etc. to seek illegitimate interests, this site has the right to take measures against relevant accounts, including but not limited to clearing them. Unjust enrichment, account suspension, etc.

If the user is under the age of 18 or other person with limited capacity for civil conduct, he should read this agreement and use the services of this site under the guardianship and guidance of a legal agent, and the legal agent should complete the registration and use of this site on behalf of the user. service, and assume the legal responsibility and all consequences arising therefrom on behalf of the user.

For virtual goods, the wrong account number, wrong recharge amount, wrong recharge type, etc. are caused by factors such as the wrong account number/account bound mobile phone number, wrong amount, improper operation or ignorance, or insufficient understanding of the recharge billing method. If your own rights and interests are damaged due to the circumstances, the resulting losses shall be borne by the customer, and our company will not make compensation or compensation.

5. Prohibited actions and responsibilities of users

Users should use the services of this site under the premise of abiding by the law and the stipulations of this agreement. Users shall not use the services of this site, including but not limited to the following behaviors:

(1) Unauthorized deletion of all copyright information and content on this site and other copies.

(2) Reverse engineering, disassembly, and decompilation of this site without authorization.

(3) Use, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, establish mirror sites, and develop derivative products, works, services, etc. related to this site with the help of software without authorization.

(4) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that violates national laws, endangers national security, national reunification, and social stability, or any inappropriate, defamatory, obscene, violent, and any content that violates national laws, regulations, and policies.

(5) Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights, trade secret rights and other legal rights of others.

(6) Use any material or information that contains images or photographs obtained from this site in a manner that infringes trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any party.

(7) Conduct any behavior that endangers computer network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or entering unauthorized servers/accounts; entering public computer networks or other people's computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying, adding Store information; without permission, attempt to probe, scan, test the weaknesses of the system or network of this site or other behaviors that damage network security; attempt to interfere with or destroy the normal operation of the system or website of this site, and intentionally spread malicious programs or viruses and other acts that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services; forge TCP/IP packet names or partial names.

(8) Use the services of this site to directly or indirectly engage in or involve any behaviors expressly prohibited by law, such as money laundering, selling stolen goods, concealing criminal proceeds, gambling, malicious hoarding, etc.The user shall be fully responsible for all responsibilities arising from the use of the user's law or breach of this agreement, and shall have nothing to do with this site and its partners, resulting in losses to the site and its partners. Users shall compensate, and have the right to immediately stop providing services to them, retain relevant records, and reserve the right to cooperate with judicial authorities in pursuing legal responsibilities.

6. Risk Warning

This site may be infested by various security issues, such as the use of user information by others to cause harassment in real life; other software downloaded and installed contains Trojan horses and other viruses, threatening the security of users' computer information and data. Users should strengthen the awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthening password protection to avoid losses and harassment.

Any other software, website, program, etc. derived from this site that is not developed and officially released without the authorization of the operator of this site or this site is illegal. It may lead to unpredictable risks, and all legal liabilities and disputes arising therefrom have nothing to do with this site. Users are not allowed to easily download, install and use such software, websites and programs, otherwise, this site has the right to terminate the user's account qualification.

Users can only log in and use the services of this site through the official website of this site and the legal channels provided by the client. Users shall not log in and use the services of this site through other methods developed without the authorization of the operator of this site, including but not limited to illegal compatible software, programs or other methods not expressly approved by the operator of this site. The right to terminate the user account qualification.

7. Privacy Protection and Disclosure

Respecting and protecting the privacy of user information resources is the consistent system of this site. When using the services of this site, the user agrees that the site operator collects, stores, uses, discloses and protects the user's personal information in accordance with the published privacy policy. The operator of this site hopes to clearly introduce the handling of users' personal information to users through the privacy policy, so users are advised to read the privacy policy in its entirety to help better protect users' privacy.

8. Service adjustment

The user understands and agrees that the operator of this site has the right to adjust the service content of this site after notifying the user in advance in the form of an announcement in accordance with the development of the Internet industry.

9. About value-added services

This site or cooperative units will provide users with various Internet value-added services related to this software, including free and charged value-added services, according to the development of the market and technology. This site or its partners reserves the right to charge fees for related value-added services and to change the charging standards and methods; if the related services are changed from free to paid services, the site and/or partners will notify them in an appropriate form, and users can independently Choose to accept or refuse the paid service, and guarantee that when using the paid service, the fee will be paid in accordance with the relevant charging regulations of the site and/or the partner unit. Recover damages and compensation according to law.

10. Legal Responsibility and Disclaimer

The user understands and agrees that this site involves Internet services and may be affected by unstable factors in various links, such as force majeure, computer virus, hacker attack, system instability, user location, user shutdown and any other network , technology, communication lines and other reasons for the service interruption or the risk of not meeting the user's requirements, the user will bear the above risks, and the site and its partners will not bear any responsibility.

The user understands and recognizes that the site and its partners are not responsible for the economic losses suffered by third parties such as communication line failures, technical problems, network, computer failures, system instability and other force majeure reasons. responsibility.

The third-party software or technology that may be used on this site is legally authorized. Any disputes arising from third-party software or technology shall be resolved by the third party, and this site does not assume any responsibility. This site does not provide customer service support for third-party software or technology. If users need to obtain support, please contact the software or technology provider.

11. Changes to the Agreement

The operator of this site may revise this agreement from time to time in accordance with changes in national laws and regulations and the need to maintain transaction order and protect the rights and interests of consumers. The revised agreement (hereinafter referred to as "changes") will be notified to users through system announcements or other appropriate means. .

If the user does not agree with the change, the user has the right to contact the customer service of this site for feedback before the effective date of the change. If the feedback is adopted, the site operator will adjust the changes as appropriate.

If the user still does not agree with the effective changes, the user shall stop using the services of this site from the date when the changes are determined to take effect, and the changes have no effect on the users; if the users continue to use this website after the changes take effect If the site services are used, it is deemed that the user agrees to the effective changes.

12. Others

The invalidity of part or all of any clause of this agreement shall not affect the validity of other clauses.

The interpretation, validity and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or dispute occurs between the user and this site, it should be resolved through friendly negotiation first. If the negotiation fails, the user hereby fully agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the court where the site operator is located.

The operator of this site reserves all rights to interpret this agreement.